
Dyslexia is a neurological difference that can affect learning. These resources can help adults with dyslexia to succeed in the workplace.


  • Ensure dyslexic employees know they will not be penalised in any way because of their dyslexia.
  • Talk to dyslexic employees to find out what they find challenging and what you could do to help.
  • Provide information about dyslexia to everyone in your team.
  • It may be useful, if possible, to link up the dyslexic employee with a buddy in the workplace.
  • The way you give instructions can be important:
    • Consider giving instructions in two ways, such as written and oral.
    • Consider encouraging that instructions be written down.
  • Use charts and diagrams as much as possible when explaining things.
  • Encourage the use of a large number of technological aids available.

What is dyslexia?

  • Dyslexia is a lifelong learning difference when it comes to reading, writing and spelling. Having dyslexia is not an indication of low intellect.
  • People with dyslexia may also have challenges with short-term memory, time management and verbal and cognitive processing speed.
  • Your employee may let you know that they have dyslexia, but many people with dyslexia will not have been diagnosed and therefore will not be aware of their condition
  • Dyslexia is a common learning difference. It is a difference – not a disability!

Dyslexia is often misused as a way to describe a range of other learning differences or literacy issues. Ask your employee if they have been properly diagnosed.

Positive signs

There can be a number of positive features associated with dyslexia, including:

  • Strong visual, spatial and three-dimensional skills
  • Innovative “left field” thinking
  • Creativity
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Good empathy and cooperation skills – producing great team players.

Find out more about Dyslexia

View Ako Aotearoa Dyslexia resources

Visit the Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand

Find other valuable resources at Workbridge

Content on this page is provided courtesy of the Ako Aotearoa Best practice guide for employers of staff who have dyslexia.

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