Hagley Adult Literacy Centre

We refer all our Christchurch literacy and numeracy support needs here, because they’re experts at what they do. Learners have the option of a kick-start group course, or 1:1 sessions tailored to their needs.

This is free for all BCITO apprentices - it’s funded by the BCITO Learner Success team.

In person or 1:1, 1-2 hours per week

Who it’s for

Christchurch apprentices who would like support with literacy and numeracy, study guidance, English language support, and/or neurodiversity and disability.

What they’ll get

Expert literacy and numeracy support through kick-start groups or 1:1 sessions, tailoring study techniques, goal setting and navigating myBCITO.

“Just being 1:1 with a tutor is a novel experience, rather than being at the back of a class.”

Want to apply for this free learning support service?

Available for all BCITO apprentices